Helpdesk hours ?
If you business is primarily open during business hours then chose 9 to 5 support which will save you the money by paying only what you use
9 to 5 Support24/7 Support
How many computers do you have ?
Total office computers used in your office which requirement updates and maintenance, expert ongoing maintenance strt from $31 per pc.
Do you have any servers ?
We provide unlimited, 24/7 support and maintenance for your servers for just $99 per server per month.
How many servers do you have ?
Demo data.
How many network printers you have ?
How many network printers you printer to, if not sure leave it blank
How many network devices like router etc you have ?
On-site support rate ?
Do you want to store off-site backups ?
Demo Data
Do you want to have imaging based backups?
Name :
Your Email :
Phone :
0 computers, fully managed, with unlimited helpdesk access and Standard on-site support.
0 servers, fully managed, with unlimited helpdesk access and Standard on-site support.
0 network printers, fully managed, with unlimited helpdesk access and Standard on-site support.
0 network devices, fully managed, with unlimited helpdesk access and Standard on-site support.
Store off-site backups.
Imaging based backups.
Total monthly (ex GST)
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Password *
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